Do you remember your old school days? When the last period would get over, the bell would ring, and you would rush outside your classes to enjoy with your friends as you waited for the bus to arrive? Well, if this has struck a chord, then let us remind you that these fun times were never complete without food! Whether you had a chips packet, a chocolate or a delicious cream roll, we all would share our food and laugh our hearts out. So, if you also want to revisit those times, then we certainly think that making a yummy cream roll and sharing it with your friends would be the best way to do it.
If you are one of those people who don't know much about cooking, then don't worry; this recipe of a cream roll is super easy to make and fun to have. And trust us, this cream roll will melt in its first bite.

Here Is The Recipe Of Cream Roll | Cream Roll Recipe:
In a bowl, first, combine hung curd and icing sugar. Then take two slices of bread, cut their crusts and roll them out. In each of the bread slices, fill the hung curd mixture and roll this up. If needed, you can also pin this roll using a small stick. Spread some butter or ghee from the top and bake these rolls till the crust of the bread is toasted.
Once done take it out and enjoy!
For the full recipe of cream roll, click here.
Make this yummy cream roll and let us know how you liked it.