1. Load Up On Citrus Fruits
Colours can add to your life; thanks to citrus fruits that may just be filled with colours. The colours can instantly boost your mood and keep you energized throughout the day. In fact, the aroma of the fruits can drive away the gloominess and keep you going. The vitamin C present in these fruits help you cope with chronic tiredness as it facilitates iron absorption, the lack of which may cause feeling of tiredness. Add more oranges, grapefruits, lemon and berries in your daily diet.

Colours can add to your life; thanks to citrus fruits that may just be filled with colours2. Make chocolates your best friends
Enjoy splurging on chocolate regularly, especially dark chocolate, which is full of magnesium, iron and theobromine that serve as super-energizers. In fact, chocolates are responsible for decreasing levels of cortisol in your body, lowering the risk of depression. Remember to not binge on chocolates as they are fattening and may cause other health problems. Savour a piece or two to boost your mood.
3. Add colourful berries to your bowl
These tiny delights have amazing anti-depressant properties. The presence of folate in strawberries, blueberries and raspberries contributes to effective brain functioning. Plus, the many colours may just help elevate your mood. Toss them in a bowlful of cereals in the morning and brighten up your day.

These tiny delights have amazing anti-depressant properties4. Enrich your diet with green leafy veggies
Besides being low in calories, greens like kale, spinach, cabbage, et al are power-packed with iron. These veggies may help lift your mood with abundance of B vitamins and vitamin C content. Go ahead and have your portion of greens every day.
5. Munch on nuts and legumes
These nutty snacks may help manage your blood sugar levels to avoid mood shifts. They provide you with a long-lasting bouts of energy due to the presence of fiber, iron and magnesium. Eating a handful of nuts and seeds may keep you going through the day.
Savour these foods and never feel gloomy ever again. Happy winters!