Say Goodbye To Mood Swings: 5 Nutrients To Prevent Hormonal Imbalance


All you need to do is wisely include the right kind of nutrients in your diet to stay active and let your hormones function properly.

Say Goodbye To Mood Swings: 5 Nutrients To Prevent Hormonal Imbalance
Maintaining healthy diet and lifestyle help prevent hormonal imbalance


  • Hormones are body's chemical messenger that travels in the bloodstream.
  • Hormones have huge impact, not only on your mood, but overall health.
  • We will talk about some natural and effective ways to balance hormones.

You might have often heard people stating, 'control your hormones', and, surely, you have said it too to calm someone down. But have you ever wondered what are hormones and why people associate them with mood swings?! To put it simply, hormones are your body's chemical messenger that travels in the bloodstream to tissues or organs. Hormones have a huge impact, not only on your mood, but your overall health too including weight, appetite, menstrual cycle, pregnancy and thyroid to name a few. Your body produces different types of hormones for each of the functioning and when there is a lack in the production, it reacts negatively. This is where your diet and lifestyle come to play. The right kind of food and healthy lifestyle directly help your body to produce hormones that flow naturally in the bloodstream.
Today, we will talk about some natural and effective ways to balance hormones in your body. All you need to do is wisely include the right kind of nutrients in your diet to stay active and let your body function properly. Read on.
Also Read: 4 Expert-Suggested Foods And Tips To Tackle Mood Swings

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Here're 5 Healthy Ways To Include The Right Kind Of Nutrients To Keep Up Hormonal Balance:

1. Eat enough protein:

Protein has been trending ever since people got yet more conscious about their health and fitness. It is one of the primary nutrients that help build and repair muscles and manage your body weight. Besides, it also provides essential amino acids to your body to produce protein-derived peptide hormones. Let's look into some of the best ways to include adequate protein in your everyday diet. Click here to know more.

2. Load up on fibre:

As mentioned earlier, it is important for your body to produce enough hormones to work properly. But you should also know that excess hormones can be hazardous. Hence, it is important to load up on fibre to bind to those excess hormones and remove them from the body through the colon. If not eliminated, they might get reabsorbed back into your body leading to an imbalance. Click here for some of the most effective ways to include more fibre in your diet.

3. Balance the sodium-potassium levels:

Potassium and sodium are two electrolytes that help your body function normally and maintain fluid and blood volume levels in the body. If the body gets less potassium and more sodium, an imbalance is created, often leading to a spike in blood pressure. And the hormone to keep it under check is aldosterone. Hence, it is important to eat enough potassium-rich foods every day to keep up the water-salt balance in the body. Click here for some everyday food ideas that are enriched with potassium.


4. Take calcium regularly:

Calcium is directly linked to the increased or decreased risk of the thyroid body. When the calcium level in the blood decreases, the parathyroid glands produce more parathyroid hormone. Whereas, having more calcium every day, helps keep a check on the production of hormones. Studies have also shown that calcium helps estrogen metabolism have positive effects on your bones, pelvic muscle, breast, skin, hair and more. Find here the best ways to have more calcium, besides drinking milk.

5. Have enough antioxidants:

To let your body function properly, the first factor that you should consider is detoxification. It is important for the body to flush out toxins to prevent oxidative stress and let the hormones flow in the bloodstream. Click here for some antioxidant-rich food options to include in your diet.


Photo Credit: iStock

What Are The Other Important Factors That Lead To Hormonal Balance In The Body?

As per health experts, besides diet, people should also take equal care of their lifestyle to prevent hormonal imbalance in the body. Alongside healthy meals, you should exercise regularly, drink an adequate amount of water and take enough rest to allow the body to function properly. For the unversed, stress plays a major role in hormonal imbalance in the body and associated health hazards. So, we say, consult an expert and plan a proper health chart for yourself to stay active, healthy and happy.


Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.

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