Brown Sugar(ब्राउन शुगर)
Brown sugar is a product of sucrose sugar. It is brown in color because of the presence of molasses in it. Often molasses are added to completely white sugar to make it brown. This is done to lessen the production cost of sugar. The first crystallization of sugarcane produces natural brown sugar.
- NDTV Food
- Nov 21 2014 13:35 IST

Brown sugar is a product of sucrose sugar. It is brown in color because of the presence of molasses in it. Often molasses are added to completely white sugar to make it brown. This is done to lessen the production cost of sugar. The first crystallization of sugarcane produces natural brown sugar.
Natural brown sugar is available in three types - Turbinado, Muscovado and Demerara. Each type of natural brown sugar differs from another by the percentage of molasses present in it.
Turbinado: this is made from the initial and first pressing of sugarcane. It contains natural molasses. It has natural caramel flavor.
Muscovado: This brown sugar has a moist texture and strong molasses flavor. It is frequently used in marinades and barbeque dishes.
Demerara: This brown sugar has a bit large grain and is pale amber in color. It has sweet toffee flavor.
Brown sugar is believed to sooth menstrual pains in women. It also serves as a good anti-aging treatment. Brown sugar is used extensively in baking. It adds more vibrant color to baked foods and also adds to their flavor. It is used for making marinades for the preparation of meat dishes. Brown sugar is also used in many barbecue sauce and chili recipes. It is commonly used in cookies to impart the dusky color.
Nutritional Value
Due to the presence of water, brown sugar has a little lower caloric value by mass than white sugar.
Molasses present in brown sugar are a good source of calcium, potassium, iron and magnesium.
Cooking Tips
Brown sugar gets hardened if kept stored for a long time. To loosen it up keep a slice of apple or add a few drops of water in the sugar container. The hard sugar will loosen up overnight.
Did you know?
Due to its unique granulated shape it is very often used in making exfoliants in the cosmetics and body care industry.