Food Awards
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    Derived from the Latin word bos , meat from the cattle is known as ‘beef’. Beef muscle meat can be cut into steak, roasts or short ribs. Usage Beef can be boiled, braised, grilled, marinated, pot-roasted, spit-roasted and stewed. The method of cooking depends on the beef cut. For instance, tender cuts of meat require fast, high-heat coo...

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    Grass Fed Chicken

    Pasture fed chickens are grass fed chickens, not to be confused with free-range chickens. the term grass fed is commonly used for cows for their natural diet is mostly grass and other weeds. similarily, chicken are also fed on grass along with vegetables, bugs, weeds, etc. A free range chicken does not necessarily mean that it is grass fed. G...

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    Free Range Chicken

    Free range chickens are those which are allowed to roam about freely for food rather than being caged. This helps in muscle development of the meat. It helps prevent cannibalism and it has been found that eggs from pastured hens have higher omega-3 fatty acid and vitamin A and E. It means that the bird is not confined to cages and sheds. They...

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    Organic Chicken

    Organic chicken are those that are fed only certified organic feed. It is prohibited to inject the chickens with any kind of drugs or antibiotics. Chicken raised organically must have outdoor access for it to develop muscles. This type of chicken is raised ethically, humanely and is free of chemicals. They are also allowed to free range instead o...

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    The turkey is a large poultry bird that is said to have been domesticated by the people of Mesoamerica. It is sold sliced and ground or as a whole like chicken with its head, feet and feather removed. Sliced turkey is used in sandwiches or served as cold cuts. The turkey is now a year round food enjoyed for its intense flavor. Turkey is often use...

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    Skinned Chicken

    Chicken skin acts as a cover which entraps the juices and fat inside the chicken while it is being cooked to provide the real flavor to your dish. Uses Once the fat of the chicken is rendered out the skin can be fried to make chips and croutons. The chicken skin can be removed and used to flavor up the chicken stock. Chicken skin adds that ex...

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    Pork is the culinary name for the meat obtained from a domestic pig. It is available in different cuts like tenderloin, loin chops, bacon etc. It is eaten in both forms - freshly cooked and preserved. Mostly it is consumed after curing because it extends the shelf life of pork products. Some examples of preserved pork are hams, smoked pork, gammon,...

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    Partridge are medium-sized birds from the pheasant family. The meat has a delicate and tender flesh. Partridge usually weighs around 1-3 pounds. These birds belong to the species present in Europe, North America and Asia. Partridges are eaten fondly for their fleshy muscular and plump breasts. Farm-raised partridges are similar to chicken while wil...

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    Meat Stock

    Meat stock is nothing more than meat flavored broth but can provide character to many dishes since it comes loaded with flavor. It is used as a base for many dishes, commonly soup, sauces and marinades. A very useful ingredient, its versatility makes it an ingredient in myriad recipes. Preparation: In comparison to store bought stock, home made ...

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    Also called as minced meat, it is simply meat that has passed through a mincing machine to obtain smaller and finer meat pieces. This meat is popularly used in a wide variety of like burgers, pie fillings and pasta sauces. The most commonly grounded meat is beef, though meat of pork, lamb and poultry is also minced. In South Asia, lamb and goa...

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    Mutton Liver

    Kaleji or Mutton liver is an organ meat that is very high in nutritional value. It can be fried, boiled, baked or broiled into various savory dishes. Its use is not very common in the US. In fact organ meat was not consumed for a very long time in many parts of the world because it was considered to be bad in taste and looks. But in the recent year...

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    Ham is the cured and smoked hind leg of an animal usually a pig though chicken ham is also available. All hams are mostly fully cooked or preserved in salt and sugar, but fresh ham is also available. The meat is rosy pink in color. Ham is either cured with salt or with nitrate. The one that is cured with nitrate can be stored for a longer time. Ham...

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    Kidney Meat

    There are many Asian dishes that are made from the kidneys of goat, beef, etc. Each animal’s kidney is prepared in a different way in different cultures, each having a distinctive flavor. Most often, kidneys of beef and pork are eaten with more interest. Organ meats are considered to have a distinct strong flavor. There has been a lot of sp...

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    There are more than 4000 species of crabs on this planet. Crab is a delicacy for all meat lovers for the sweetness and softness of the meat. There is however a distinct variation in the meat of a male crab and female crab.

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    Chicken Stock

    Stock forms an important base in soups and sauces. It is a light, clear, flavorful liquid. You can prepare it at home or buy stock cubes or bouillon cubes which dissolve in water. To prepare stock at home let chicken bones, vegetables, herbs etc simmer in water for about 3-4 hours. Avoid using salt as stock usually forms a base for other dishes....

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    Chicken Liver

    Chicken liver is the most sought after meat. It is most popularly used in a mixture of ground meat and fat minced into a paste. It is a very rich source of iron. Because of the high content of vitamin A present in it, it is very beneficial for the eyes and helps cure anemia. It is low in fat and very high in vitamins and minerals. It is slightly hi...

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    Chicken is the most common poultry in the world, with America accounting for the maximum global per capita meat consumption. Good especially as it is lean white meat. Chicken is rich in proteins, potassium, calcium and contains no carbohydrates. Types Free Range Chicken: This is a term used for the way chickens are raised. In this method, chi...

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    A chop is referred to a thin boneless portion of meat cut from the ribs of the animal. A meat cut offered with a rib bone is called cutlet. The most commonly kinds of chops are pork and lamb. Meat chops are cooked in several ways depending on the kind of animal the meat is taken from. Pork chops are cooked by roasting, grilling or frying. Stu...

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