Food Awards
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    Canola Oil

    Canola oil comes from Canola seeds. It has a neutral taste and is one of the healthiest oil choices.

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    Chia Seeds

    Chia is an edible seed that comes from the desert plant -Salvia hispanica-, that belongs to the mint family and is popularly grown in Mexico. "Chia" means strength, and folklore has it that these cultures used the tiny black and white seeds as an energy booster. It was largely unknown until researcher Wayne Coates began studying chia as an alterna...

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    Hazelnuts grow in clusters on the hazel tree. Also known as cobnut or filbert nut, it is grown primarily in Europe and the U.S. These are small rounded grape size nuts having a broad spherical base and a pointy top. They have a dark brown jacket covering and the inner kernel is edible. The nut has an off-white creamy colour and a mildly sweet taste...

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    Pine Nuts

    The edible seeds taken from the pine trees. The oblong seeds are taken from several varieties of pine trees. The seeds are crunchy, sweet and very delicious. To amplify the flavour, the seeds are often toasted. Pine nuts have a tough brown-color coating. The Mexican pinion, the Italian pinion, the Colorado pinion and the Chinese pinion are two...

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    Mustard Oil

    Essentially, mustard oil is produced by heating the seeds and carries a distinctive pungent taste. It can either be a vegetable oil, essential oil made by distillation or soybean oil. Black mustard, white mustard and brown Indian mustard seeds can be used to procure the oil. Besides being a cooking oil, it is also used as a massage oil. It is brigh...

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    Sunflower Seeds

    Sunflower seeds are the fruit of the beautiful, bright yellow coloured sunflower. The seeds are emanated from the seed-studded center. The seeds are greyish-green or black embedded in tear-shaped grey or black shells. The seeds, being high in oil content are the main sources to produce sunflower oil. Shelled seeds have mild nutty taste, but tender ...

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    Sesame Oil

    Edible oil made using sesame seeds, it is used as cooking oil and to enhance flavor. The color of the oil varies from colorless to golden color to a dark brown made from roasted seeds. Colorless oil has fewer flavors than the dark brown oil as it is produced from raw seeds. Sesame oil is very popular in Asia and is one of the earliest known crop ba...

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    Pistachio is a member of the cashew family which is a small tree originally from Central Asia and the Middle East. Iran, United States and Turkey are the leading producers of pista. They are dry hard-shelled nuts used to make desserts like baklava, halwa, chocolates and ice creams. Its kernel can be eaten whole, either fresh or roasted and salted. ...

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    Olive Oil

    This oil is obtained from olives. It can be used in multiple ways like in food or in cosmetics, soaps, pharmaceuticals etc.It is mostly used in Mediterranean countries.There are different types of olive oil with different flavor and quality. It has a very subtle aroma. It is a very versatile ingredient and is often used in cooking and is preferred ...

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    Mustard Seeds

    Salt is unrefined sodium chloride and an essential ingredient while cooking food worldwide. The most ubiquitous component of any recipe is salt. Let it be any cuisine, salt is an essential condiment. It is used relatively constant amounts in our regular diet. For daily consumption,refined salt is preferred because, raw sea and rock salts do not con...

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    Poppy Seeds

    Tiny oil seeds from the opium poppy flower that has a nutty flavour. The seeds maybe used whole, ground or to extract poppy seed oil. The white poppy seeds are called potak or postu. Poppy seeds are small and kidney shaped. They are less than a millimeter in length and are used as a spice or for decoration of the dish. Usage Poppy seeds...

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    Sesame Seeds

    hese seeds from the sesame plant have a nutty flavor. The husked ones are called white sesame and the un-husked are black. They are widely used in Indian, Chinese, Japanese and Korean cooking. With a crunchy texture and a nutty taste, they are added to many dishes for the extra flavor. Sesame seeds are tiny flat oval seeds and come in a variety of ...

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    Peanuts, also known as groundnuts are a nutritious legume found all over the world. They are said to have originated in South America. They can be used for direct consumption, in food preparations, for deriving oil, making peanut flour or in the preparation of peanut butter. They contribute in improving the mental functions and blood flow. Types...

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    Charoli or Chironji is an Indian medicinal plant used as a spice and added in desserts. It is also called melon seed and has a taste similar to almonds. The seed is lentil-sized and slightly flattened. Though it can be eaten raw, the edible seed contains light acidic flavour, and is consumed both raw and fried. However, fried seeds are more tastefu...

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    Cashew Nuts

    Cashew tree is large and evergreen and contains fruits which are pear shaped called the cashew apple. It has a yellowish red color and has very sweet aroma and taste. This fruit has a single whitish seed called cashew seed or cashew nut. The seed is surrounded with a double shell. It is a popular nut (dry fruit) which can be roasted or covered with...

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    Blanched Almonds

    Blanching almonds is a method used to remove the skin of the almonds, called for in many recipes. It is done by immersing almonds in boiling water for a minute or two before transferring them to cold water. Once cool, drain the water from the almonds and let them dry. This makes the skin shriveled and it comes off with minimal pressure and maximum ...

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    Known as badaam in hindi, almond is a dried fruit that is very nutritious. It is used in baking and as a flavoring agent in Indian food. Almonds can be used in many forms, such as sliced (flaked, slivered), almond butter, almond milk and almond oil. These can be used in both sweet and savory dishes. The almond that we consume is a seed from the fru...

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    Walnut or akhrot is an edible, hard shelled dry fruit used in main dishes and sweets and desserts as well a hard-shelled dried fruit that are used in main dishes as well as desserts and salads. It is a great source of nutrients like proteins. Types Three of the main types of walnuts consumed are the English (or Persian) walnut, Juglans regia;...

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