The Tamil Nadu Tourism Development Corporation (TTDC) recently celebrated the launch of a one-of-a-kind "floating restaurant" space in Chennai. The Seanz Cruise is being hailed as Chennai's first "Luxury Dinner Cruise" and boasts a captivating view of the Muttukadu Backwaters. The boat was inaugurated by Tourism Minister R. Rajendran and MSME Minister T. M. Anbarasan in the presence of Tourism Secretary B. Chandra Mohan. It is currently anchored at Muttukadu Boat House on the East Coast Road (ECR) in Chennai and is a short distance away from the main city. The double-decker boat has a seating capacity of around 100 people.
It has an air-conditioned deck that can function as a restaurant or party space. It is also equipped with a stage, changing rooms, a DJ area and a sound system. There's an open upper deck with seating and a banquet hall area. The website also mentions a buffet counter. More details about the food are awaited. At present, this restaurant is open for advance bookings only and promises to be a suitable space for occasions such as wedding events, corporate gatherings, family parties, small-scale launch events and more. The company claims that dance shows, DJ performances, magic shows and the like could also be a part of the experience here. The cruise is operational from 7:30 am to 11 pm.
As per reports, the project cost Rs 5 crore and was undertaken as a collaboration between the Tamil Nadu Tourism Development Corporation (TTDC) and Grandeur Marine International, a private ship construction company based in Cochin.