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Yoga for Constipation: 5 Ways to Get Relief

Sep 12, 2016 12:15 IST
Constipation is a commonly experienced digestive disorder that can meddle with your daily routine. Apart from poor dietary intake there are a host of factors supporting the rise of this condition. If you happen to be one of those bearing the brunt of constipation turn to yoga to ease off a bit. Some of the yoga postures are easy to get into and can guarantee you some relief from digestive issues
  • Yoga for Constipation: 5 Ways to Get Relief

    Constipation is a commonly experienced digestive disorder that can meddle with your daily routine. Apart from poor dietary intake there are a host of factors supporting the rise of this condition. If you happen to be one of those bearing the brunt of constipation turn to yoga to ease off a bit.

    Some of the yoga postures are easy to get into and can guarantee you some relief from digestive issues.
  • Yoga for Constipation: 5 Ways to Get Relief

    Yoga includes postures that require our body to bend forward, backwards coupled with twisting motions. This stimulates the abdominal area and facilitates relieving from various digestive issues.

    The pose also helps alleviate back pain and strengthens the spine.
  • Yoga for Constipation: 5 Ways to Get Relief

    Ardha Matsyendra Asana
    Also known as the Half Twist Pose, this asana stretches and strengthens the spine. It also stimulates the navel chakra and regulates the secretion of digestive juices.
  • Yoga for Constipation: 5 Ways to Get Relief


    The Seated Forward Bend gives a nice stretch to your back and engages the entire body as well. It strengthens the pelvic and abdominal organs and facilitates good digestion.
  • Yoga for Constipation: 5 Ways to Get Relief


    The Locust Pose helps in strengthening the abdominal muscles by stretching your spine. Bhujangasana - the cobra pose - targets the upper body and Salabhasana focuses on the lower regions. Beginners might find it challenging but it gets better with time. People with slip disc and asthma should not practice this posture.
  • Yoga for Constipation: 5 Ways to Get Relief


    The Head to Knee Pose is performed by letting the head rest on the knee. The posture works the small and large intestines and helps fight constipation. People suffering from colitis, hernia and slipped disc should not perform this asana.
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