

'Adults' - 309 New Result(s)
  • McDonald's US Is Launching A Happy Meal Just For Adults
    McDonald's US Is Launching A Happy Meal Just For Adults

    McDonald's is creating a Happy Meal keeping us adults in mind and this special offer was subtly announced through their Twitter account.

  • WHO: Nearly 20 to 40% of the Adult Population in India are Affected by Obesity
    WHO: Nearly 20 to 40% of the Adult Population in India are Affected by Obesity

    According to the World Health Organization (WHO), nearly 20 to 40% of the adult population and 10 to 20% of children in India are affected by obesity.

  • Tokyo's New Health Craze: What is Adult Swaddling Therapy?
    Tokyo's New Health Craze: What is Adult Swaddling Therapy?

    Adult swaddling therapy seems to be the new craze. It draws from an ancient technique of being wrapped with a large cloth from head to toe, and being rocked to and fro.

  • Brain Activity May Predict Risk of Falls in Elderly
    Brain Activity May Predict Risk of Falls in Elderly

    Measuring the level of brain activity in healthy older adults while they are walking can predict their risk of falling, suggests a study led by an Indian-origin scientist.

  • Mediterranean Diet For Healthy Brain
    Mediterranean Diet For Healthy Brain

    A Mediterranean diet, comprising fruits, vegetables, olive oil and fish, may help older adults to retain more brain volume, researchers have found.

  • An Hour-Long Nap May Boost Memory, Thinking In Elderly
    An Hour-Long Nap May Boost Memory, Thinking In Elderly

    An hour-long nap after lunch may help older adults to preserve their memories, improve their ability to think clearly as well as to make decisions, a study has found.

  • Adults Tend to Buy More of Calorie Foods From Supermarkets
    Adults Tend to Buy More of Calorie Foods From Supermarkets

    Adults prefer to buy more of sugar-sweetened beverages and nutrient-poor discretionary foods from supermarkets and grocery stores, according to a study.

  • 5 Easy And Helpful Tips To Start Your Cooking Journey As An Adult
    5 Easy And Helpful Tips To Start Your Cooking Journey As An Adult

    Learning to cook as an adult can feel even tougher than preparing for that 12th board exam or filing taxes. Are you all grown up and don't know how to cook? This article will help ...

  • Yoga Boosts Brain Power in Older Adults
    Yoga Boosts Brain Power in Older Adults

    According to a study conducted by researchers at Illinois, practicing hatha yoga three times a week can dramatically improve brain power in older adults. The study which appeared in the Journals of Gerontology Series A: ...

  • Why Ageing Warps Our Perception of Time
    Why Ageing Warps Our Perception of Time

    Older adults may have difficulty combining the stimuli they see and hear, much like trying to watch a video with the audio out of sync, and it could have implications for rapid decision-making tasks such ...

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