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Caffeinated coffee

'Caffeinated Coffee' - 20 New Result(s)
  • What Is Decaf Coffee? Is It A Good Idea To Replace Regular Coffee With It?
    What Is Decaf Coffee? Is It A Good Idea To Replace Regular Coffee With It?

    Decaf coffee is coffee made from coffee beans whose most of the caffeine quantity is removed before the process of roasting and grinding.

  • Coffee may help perk up your blood vessels
    Coffee may help perk up your blood vessels

    A cup of caffeinated coffee may help small blood vessels work better, warding off cardiovascular disease, a new study has claimed.The study of 27 healthy adults showed for the first time that drinking a cup ...

  • 6 Ways to Cut Down Your Caffeine Intake
    6 Ways to Cut Down Your Caffeine Intake

    If you've been thinking of ditching caffeine or cutting back on your daily intake, here's all the help that you need. Keep these six tips handy and you'll be able to see great results.

  • Coffee O'Clock: This Tool Tells You When To Drink Coffee To Improve Alertness
    Coffee O'Clock: This Tool Tells You When To Drink Coffee To Improve Alertness

    Scientists have now developed a tool to help you optimise your caffeine-intake, by designing strategies to help you stay awake and alert, without over-consuming coffee.

  • Why You Shouldn't Start Your Day With A Cup of Tea
    Why You Shouldn't Start Your Day With A Cup of Tea

    Starting you day with tea may not be as good as you may have thought. The 'bed tea' culture can affect your health in more ways than one. We've rounded up five reasons why it ...

  • Decided to Ditch Caffeine? 5 Common Withdrawal Symptoms You May Experience
    Decided to Ditch Caffeine? 5 Common Withdrawal Symptoms You May Experience

    Delhi-based Dr. Simran Saini throws the spotlight on the most common withdrawal symptoms youre likely to experience, especially if you consume caffeine more than twice a day.

  • What Science Says About Caffeine & Pregnancy
    What Science Says About Caffeine & Pregnancy

    A new study found that drinking moderate amounts of caffeine during pregnancy will not cause any harm to the child's intelligence.

  • Male and Female Caffeine Consumption ups Miscarriage Risk: Study
    Male and Female Caffeine Consumption ups Miscarriage Risk: Study

    Women have an increased risk of miscarriage if they or their partner consume more than two caffeinated drinks a day in the weeks leading up to conception, a new US study found.

  • Caffeine is Not All Bad: It Can Prevent Dementia and Alzheimer's
    Caffeine is Not All Bad: It Can Prevent Dementia and Alzheimer's

    According to a new study done by Indiana University, little doses of caffeine can protect the brain against several degenerative neurological disorders like dementia.

  • 14 Amazing Caffeine-Free Ways to Stay Awake
    14 Amazing Caffeine-Free Ways to Stay Awake

    Sleeping is bliss, but we've all had those days when you're preparing for an exam or a meeting or a presentation for the next day and you just have no choice but to pull an ...

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