

'Chemicals' - 152 New Result(s)
  • Massive US Health Tab For Hormone-Disrupting Chemicals
    Massive US Health Tab For Hormone-Disrupting Chemicals

    Exposure to tiny doses of hormone-disrupting chemicals is responsible for at least $340 billion (310 billion euros) in health-related costs each year in the United States, according to a report published Tuesday.

  • Report: Chemical Leak Reported Week Before Public Was Warned
    Report: Chemical Leak Reported Week Before Public Was Warned

    A chemical leak from an asphalt plant that led Corpus Christi officials to warn residents this week not to drink the water was apparently reported a week earlier, according to an email from a state ...

  • Beware: 9 Dangerous Additives That May Be Lurking in The Food You Buy
    Beware: 9 Dangerous Additives That May Be Lurking in The Food You Buy

    The potential health risks of these chemical ingredients are amplified by the fact that no one knows what happens when they are all combined into the chemical cocktail.

  • Beware of Common Household Cleaners That May Lead to Critical Eye Injuries in Kids
    Beware of Common Household Cleaners That May Lead to Critical Eye Injuries in Kids

    Toddlers exposed to common household cleaners are at a greater risk of getting injured by chemicals which can lead to critical eye injuries and damage internal organs irreparably, according to a recent study.

  • BPA Chemical in Plastics is Safe: European Food Safety Authority
    BPA Chemical in Plastics is Safe: European Food Safety Authority

    The chemical bisphenol A, used to stiffen some plastic food containers, poses no health risk to consumers of any age, including unborn children, at current levels of exposure, says Europe's food safety watchdog.

  • A Dangerous Chemical Lurking in Your Fast Food
    A Dangerous Chemical Lurking in Your Fast Food

    Junk food addicts, take note! People who consume more fast food are exposed to higher levels of potentially harmful chemicals known as phthalates, a new study has warned.

  • The Yoga-Mat Chemical's Quiet Fast-Food Exit
    The Yoga-Mat Chemical's Quiet Fast-Food Exit

    In early 2014, a blogger known as Food Babe launched a petition pushing sandwich chain Subway to remove an obscure chemical also used in yoga mats from its bread.

  • Prenatal Exposure to Plastic Chemicals May Develop Depression in Boys
    Prenatal Exposure to Plastic Chemicals May Develop Depression in Boys

    Baby boys exposed to a common chemical used in plastics before delivery are more likely to develop symptoms of anxiety and depression at the age of 10-12, a new study has revealed.

  • Beware: This Chemical Sprayed on Sofas & Mattresses May Increase Cancer Risk
    Beware: This Chemical Sprayed on Sofas & Mattresses May Increase Cancer Risk

    According to latest research, conducted by Heather Stapleton from Duke University in North Carolina and her team, a chemical calleddecaBDE which is often sprayed on the fabric and fillings of furniture has been linked to ...

  • Here's How You Can Make Your Own Natural Toothpaste At Home!
    Here's How You Can Make Your Own Natural Toothpaste At Home!

    The commercial toothpastes you buy are loaded with chemicals that may harm your teeth in the long run. So, it is always good to resort to natural toothpaste that you can actually bring in to ...

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