Every day, new health care research findings are reported. And every time you read such news, you are undoubtedly left asking: Should I believe this?
In a recent study published in the journal 'eLife,' it was found that moderate egg consumption can increase the number of heart-healthy metabolites in the blood.
Researchers said that food choices made while feeling stressed can influence how stress impacts heart health.
The study also found that gluten-free products often have elevated sugar levels compared to their gluten-containing counterparts.
A global study on a range of health indicators released today has ranked India 143rd among 188 countries, citing various challenges, including mortality rates, malaria hygiene and air pollution.
Mental health diet: A study revealed that more frequent consumption of fruit was associated with reduced symptoms of depression.
Brain Health: Foods rich in flavanols had a positive effect on brain vascular function and cognitive performance in young healthy adults, as seen during the research.
The study of more than 2,15,000 people found that each additional gram of sodium excreted in urine over 24 hours was associated with 11 per cent higher odds of an eczema diagnosis.
The new study revealed that the benefits of cycling "far outweigh the risks" and instead provides a host cardiovascular benefits.
A new study has suggested that consuming tea on a regular basis may not only act as an energy booster and make you feel relaxed but also improve cognitive skills and brain health.