Food Awards


Bpa - 5 News Result(s)
  • BPA Chemical in Plastics is Safe: European Food Safety Authority
    BPA Chemical in Plastics is Safe: European Food Safety Authority

    The chemical bisphenol A, used to stiffen some plastic food containers, poses no health risk to consumers of any age, including unborn children, at current levels of exposure, says Europe's food safety watchdog.

  • Prenatal Exposure to Plastic Chemicals May Develop Depression in Boys
    Prenatal Exposure to Plastic Chemicals May Develop Depression in Boys

    Baby boys exposed to a common chemical used in plastics before delivery are more likely to develop symptoms of anxiety and depression at the age of 10-12, a new study has revealed.

  • Drinking from Cans Could Shoot Up Your Blood Pressure
    Drinking from Cans Could Shoot Up Your Blood Pressure

    'Can' your favourite drink cause you harm? Yes, especially if it comes from a can. A new study in the journal 'Hypertension' says plastic bottles and cans are generally lined with a chemical called Bisphenol ...

  • Warning! Canned Food May Expose You to Hormone-Disrupting Chemicals
    Warning! Canned Food May Expose You to Hormone-Disrupting Chemicals

    A new study has confirmed the link between eating canned food and increased exposure to a chemical linked to diabetes, cardiovascular disease and other health effects.

  • Drinking Water From Plastic Bottles During Pregnancy May Harm Your Baby
    Drinking Water From Plastic Bottles During Pregnancy May Harm Your Baby

    According to a recent study, pregnant women drinking from plastic water bottles could be driving up their risk of having obese babies.

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