Food Awards

Cambridge University

Cambridge University - 3 News Result(s)
  • Tomato Pill Could Ward Off Heart Attacks, Stroke
    Tomato Pill Could Ward Off Heart Attacks, Stroke

    A capsule derived from lycopene, which gives tomato its distinctive red colour, could ward off strokes and heart attacks, says a Cambridge University study.The study found that taking the capsule boosted blood flow and improved ...

  • A Sweet, Sweet Job: England Seeks 'Chocolate Doctor'
    A Sweet, Sweet Job: England Seeks 'Chocolate Doctor'

    Is there a doctor of chocolate in the house? If this isn't the sweetest job in the world, we don't know what is. Cambridge University in England is seeking a doctoral student to study the ...

  • A 20-Minute Walk Daily May Save You From Dying Early
    A 20-Minute Walk Daily May Save You From Dying Early

    Researchers at the Cambridge University suggest that a 20-minute brisk walk daily could be enough to reduce an individual's risk of early death.

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