Food Awards


Colorado - 5 News Result(s)
  • Adorable Or Scary? Bear Crashes Wedding, Gobbles Down The Fancy Desserts
    Adorable Or Scary? Bear Crashes Wedding, Gobbles Down The Fancy Desserts

    A bear crashed their wedding to feast on the yummy desserts served to guests. The hilarious story went viral and was shared all over the internet.

  • Soda Taxes May Spread if Voters Check Ballots in California, Colorado
    Soda Taxes May Spread if Voters Check Ballots in California, Colorado

    As Americans vote for a new president on Tuesday, hundreds of thousands of voters in California's Bay Area and Boulder, Colorado, will also decide whether they want levies on sugary drinks, another step toward making ...

  • Can Diet Drinks Make You Lose Weight?
    Can Diet Drinks Make You Lose Weight?

    Researchers at the University of Colorado have come up with a rather contradictory finding which states that diet drinks are almost 44 percent more effective in weight loss than drinking water alone. "This study clearly ...

  • Is Obesity Muddling With Your Taste Buds?
    Is Obesity Muddling With Your Taste Buds?

    According to a new study by University of Colorado, women suffering from obesity are unable to differentiate between tastes.

  • Do You Eat Junk Food And Sweets During Stress? It May Lead To More Anxiety: Study
    Do You Eat Junk Food And Sweets During Stress? It May Lead To More Anxiety: Study

    Researchers at the University of Colorado at Boulder studied the connection between a diet high in fats and sugars and heightened anxiety levels.

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