Food Awards

Easy paneer dishes

'Easy Paneer Dishes' - 2 New Result(s)
  • Love Paneer Paratha? You'll Enjoy This Yummy Palak Paneer Lifafa (Recipe Inside)
    Love Paneer Paratha? You'll Enjoy This Yummy Palak Paneer Lifafa (Recipe Inside)

    Take your paneer paratha up a notch by making palak paneer lifafas. Wholesome, indulgent and easy to make, they might just become your go-to dish.

  • No Tomatoes and Onions? No Problem! Try This Easy-To-Make Paneer Kaliya Recipe Today
    No Tomatoes and Onions? No Problem! Try This Easy-To-Make Paneer Kaliya Recipe Today

    Paneer Kaliya is a no-onion and no-tomato dish that pairs perfectly with flatbreads and rice. The creaminess of this dish makes it perfect for kids and adults, alike.

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