Food Awards

Eating in moderation

'Eating In Moderation' - 3 New Result(s)
  • Is Everything in Moderation the Right Advice to Follow?
    Is Everything in Moderation the Right Advice to Follow?

    We've often been suggested to eat everything in moderation, obviously because too much of anything is bad for our health. This term 'in moderation' does get used a lot in relation to healthy food and ...

  • Is it Safe for Diabetics to Eat Mangoes? Experts Reveal
    Is it Safe for Diabetics to Eat Mangoes? Experts Reveal

    The health benefits of mangoes have always been debatable because of their excessive sugar and calorie content. Therefore, diabetics are mostly advised to eat mangoes in moderation. We've got you expert advice.

  • High Protein Diet: This Desi Vegetarian Dish Is A Perfect Mix Of Comfort, Health And Flavour
    High Protein Diet: This Desi Vegetarian Dish Is A Perfect Mix Of Comfort, Health And Flavour

    You can also add a host of other veggies to your dal like lauki, bhindi and potatoes to make it richer in nutrients.

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