Food Awards


'Foetus' - 9 New Result(s)
  • A Diet Rich in Vitamin A Essential During Pregnancy
    A Diet Rich in Vitamin A Essential During Pregnancy

    In a significant breakthrough, the short-term deficit of vitamin A while the lungs are being formed in the baby during pregnancy has been linked to asthma later in life. A team of Columbia University researchers ...

  • Calcium Deposits May Cause Premature Births
    Calcium Deposits May Cause Premature Births

    The calcium deposits in the amniotic fluid -- the fluid surrounding a foetus -- is the leading cause behind the rupture of the foetal membranes, commonly known as water breaking, and lead to premature birth ...

  • Pregnancy Food Chart and 5 Key Nutrients For a Healthy Pregnancy
    Pregnancy Food Chart and 5 Key Nutrients For a Healthy Pregnancy

    Pregnancy demands good nourishment for the health of the baby and mother. Well planned meals made with fresh ingredients provide all the nutrients required.

  • How a child's food preferences begin in the womb
    How a child's food preferences begin in the womb

    Tests have shown that what a woman eats during her pregnancy is easily detectable in her amniotic fluid, and the foetus develops a taste for familiar flavoursIt may be a survival mechanism that's come back ...

  • Overfed Foetus May Become an Overweight Adolescent
    Overfed Foetus May Become an Overweight Adolescent

    Being over weight at birth also corresponded to the increase of fat mass in children at ages 9 and 17.

  • Obesity and Diabetes in Pregnancy Hastens Early Foetus Growth
    Obesity and Diabetes in Pregnancy Hastens Early Foetus Growth

    The child in the womb of an obese mother, who develops gestational diabetes, is five times more likely to grow larger in size by the sixth month of pregnancy, finds a study.

  • New Blood Test May Identify Alcohol Disorders in Foetus
    New Blood Test May Identify Alcohol Disorders in Foetus

    Researchers have identified a blood test that may help predict how severely a newborn can be affected by alcohol exposure during pregnancy.

  • Maternal Obesity May Increase the Risk of Serious Birth Defects
    Maternal Obesity May Increase the Risk of Serious Birth Defects

    According to a new study,The BMJ medical journal, mother's obesity can out the foetus at the risk of developing major birth defects such as malformations of the heart and genitals.

  • Is It Safe For Pregnant Women To Fast During Navratri?
    Is It Safe For Pregnant Women To Fast During Navratri?

    The conditions of pregnant women must be taken under consideration before fasting like being overweight/underweight/low Hb levels/poor nutritional status/foetus development etc.

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