Food Awards

Gene Mutation

Gene Mutation - 6 News Result(s)
  • Why Are Women So Good at Reading Minds?
    Why Are Women So Good at Reading Minds?

    Women are said to genetically score higher on "mind reading" and have an ability to better intuit. It's probably a 'mind reading' gene mutation that gives them that ability.

  • Gene Mutation That Causes Autism Identified
    Gene Mutation That Causes Autism Identified

    The study opens possibilities for research into treatments of Autism Spectrum Disorder, which is characterised by reduced social skills, repetitive behaviour, behavioural disorders, a severe lack of language development and other clinical symptoms.

  • The Real Cause of Cancer: Is it Pure Bad Luck? Science Answers
    The Real Cause of Cancer: Is it Pure Bad Luck? Science Answers

    There have been a lot of risk factors like family history and lifestyle habits but a new study reveals that most cancers might be a case of random DNA mutations.

  • Genes Linked to Higher Risk of Eating Disorders Identified
    Genes Linked to Higher Risk of Eating Disorders Identified

    Scientists have identified two gene mutations that are associated with increased risk ofdeveloping eating disorders.Researchers from the University of Iowa and University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center studied the genetics of two families severely...

  • This May Be the Reason Why Alzheimer's Patients Lose their Memory
    This May Be the Reason Why Alzheimer's Patients Lose their Memory

    According to researchers, an alteration or change in the genes may hasten the process of memory loss and affect the thinking ability in people who are already at the risk of developing Alzheimer's.

  • Can't Sleep At Night? Experts Explain Why
    Can't Sleep At Night? Experts Explain Why

    Night owls are often diagnosed at sleep clinics with delayed sleep phase disorder (DSPD) - where a person's circadian ryhthm is delayed from the typical day/night cycle.

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