Food Awards

Growing vegetables

'Growing Vegetables' - 6 New Result(s)
  • 5 Common Vegetables You Can Easily Grow In Your Home Garden
    5 Common Vegetables You Can Easily Grow In Your Home Garden

    Here are some common vegetables regularly used for cooking, which are relatively easy to cultivate, and some tips to help you do it.

  • Clean Eating and the Need to Grow Your Own Pesticide-Free Vegetables
    Clean Eating and the Need to Grow Your Own Pesticide-Free Vegetables

    Clean Eating isn't just about temporarily tweaking one's food habits; it's more of a long-term switch. It holds the potential to make long-lasting health impacts.

  • Watch: Inside Sachin Tendulkar's Amazing Vegetable Kitchen Garden
    Watch: Inside Sachin Tendulkar's Amazing Vegetable Kitchen Garden

    Sachin Tendulkar's vegetable garden has a variety of vegetables ranging from spinach and zucchini to chana and capsicum, and we couldn't help but go gaga!

  • Egg Plant, Leek And More: 4 Vegetables That Broke Records At Giant Vegetable Championship
    Egg Plant, Leek And More: 4 Vegetables That Broke Records At Giant Vegetable Championship

    According the official Guinness World Records website, 2021 saw four winners and they were eggplant, leek, marrow and broad bean. Let's find out more about these winning vegetables.

  • Chinese Astronauts May Grow Vegetables on Moon
    Chinese Astronauts May Grow Vegetables on Moon

    Chinese astronauts may get fresh vegetables and oxygen supplies through gardening at extraterrestrial bases on the Moon in the future, an official said after a just-concluded lab experiment in Beijing.Deng Yibing, deputy director of the ...

  • This vegetable farm uses seawater and almost no pesticides
    This vegetable farm uses seawater and almost no pesticides

    Ever heard of a farm that uses seawater and almost no pesticides to grow vegetables? That is an initiative being taken in Australia to minimise the use of water and energy in a way that ...

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