Food Awards

Health and technology

'Health And Technology' - 3 New Result(s)
  • Health Questions Likely to Yield Unhelpful Responses from Your Phone
    Health Questions Likely to Yield Unhelpful Responses from Your Phone

    A study looked at how well Siri, Google Now, S Voice from Samsung and Cortana from Microsoft respond to simple questions related to mental and physical health and violence.

  • Capture That! An App that Can Tell How Many Calories a Dish Has Just from Its Pictures
    Capture That! An App that Can Tell How Many Calories a Dish Has Just from Its Pictures

    Google's new app to count calories from the pictures of food you upload on Instagram.

  • A Smartphone Device That Can Detect HIV in 15 Minutes!
    A Smartphone Device That Can Detect HIV in 15 Minutes!

    A team of researchers from Columbia University have developed a low-cost smartphone dongle that can detect HIV and syphilis in just 15 minutes by using a finger-prick of blood.

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