Food Awards

Health Guidelines

Health Guidelines - 7 News Result(s)
  • Study Testing Blood Pressure Says Go Lower
    Study Testing Blood Pressure Says Go Lower

    For years doctors have been uncertain what the optimal goal should be for patients with high blood pressure. The aim of course is to bring it down, but how far and how aggressively remained a ...

  • Prediabetes is a Wake-up Call to Get Healthy
    Prediabetes is a Wake-up Call to Get Healthy

    Approximately 86 million Americans - or 1 in 3 American adults - have prediabetes, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

  • Health Guidelines: Experts Say Kids Under Five Must Avoid Drinking Plant-Based Milk
    Health Guidelines: Experts Say Kids Under Five Must Avoid Drinking Plant-Based Milk

    Health Guideline: Plant-based milk made from oats, coconut, rice, or other blends (except for fortified soy milk) lacks in essential nutrition, say experts.

  • Indian Medical Association Issues Guidelines On the Use of Painkillers
    Indian Medical Association Issues Guidelines On the Use of Painkillers

    Painkillers could cause more harm than good if taken without medical supervision, said the Indian Medical Association.

  • The Fat Fight: Study Refutes British and American Diet Guidelines
    The Fat Fight: Study Refutes British and American Diet Guidelines

    Nutrition and health specialists criticised a study which argued that dietary fat advice given in the United States and Britain was based on flimsy evidence and should not have been introduced.

  • Fat is Not the Root of All Evil
    Fat is Not the Root of All Evil

    Many experts agree that 1980s fat guidance did not have robust evidence to underpin it, but most of them disagree that it is time to rip it up.

  • Cheese Cuts Risk of Diabetes by 12 Percent
    Cheese Cuts Risk of Diabetes by 12 Percent

    Eating just two slices of cheese a day cuts the risk of type 2 diabetes by 12 percent, scientists have discovered.The findings go against current health guidelines, which advise cutting back on dairy products and ...

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