There are various diet regime that are not as healthy as you think. We will bring your attention to some of those food habits. Read on.
Instead of counting how many calories you are eating, focus on what nutrients you are consuming and your calorie count will automatically come within the healthy range.
Pregnancy is the most unexceptional moment in a woman's life. Her diet plays a crucial role for the baby's well-being. Here are 10 food that are a strict no during pregnancy.
Healthy eating: Millennials are becoming aware of healthy eating habits for good health and are on the prowl for best health-driven choices.
A good way to increase energy levels post-workout is to consume protein-rich foods. If you are wondering what to eat post-workout, these five recipes will help you out.
Weight Loss Diet: You might have been (wrongly) giving up on these 6 yummy foods. We discuss their possible benefits below.
Want your skin to be healthy and glowing? Learn about the foods that are great and not so great for your skin in the list below:
Lack of fruit and vegetable in a diet may cause millions of death from heart disease and strokes each year