
How to make biryani at home

'How To Make Biryani At Home' - 4 New Result(s)
  • Learn The Art Of Making Biryani With These 4 Easy Steps
    Learn The Art Of Making Biryani With These 4 Easy Steps

    Biryaniis a complete meal in itself, apt to suit all occasions, whether you are looking for a lazySundayafternoon or grand indulgence at the dinner table. We suggest simple and easy tips to make amazing biryani ...

  • Indian Cooking Tips: Ever Tried A Riceless Chicken Biryani? Here's How You Can Make It At Home
    Indian Cooking Tips: Ever Tried A Riceless Chicken Biryani? Here's How You Can Make It At Home

    Biryani is one of the most popular dishes around the world. And while you must've tried all sorts of veg, non-veg biryanis, here's a biryani made without rice that you must try at home soon!

  • Indian Cooking Tips: How To Prevent Biryani Rice From Getting Sticky And Mushy
    Indian Cooking Tips: How To Prevent Biryani Rice From Getting Sticky And Mushy

    Biryani Rice Recipe: Biryani is as much about the rice as it is about the meat and spices. So, make sure you get that right! How, you ask? We have some handy tips and tricks ...

  • Enjoy Biryani In A New Avatar! Prepare This Scrumptious Potli Biryani This Weekend
    Enjoy Biryani In A New Avatar! Prepare This Scrumptious Potli Biryani This Weekend

    Potli biryani features basmati rice, vegetable gravy, and fried onions - all packed in a banana leaf. This gives the biryani a unique presentation, making it ideal to serve at lunch or dinner parties.

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