Food Awards

India pakistan match

'India Pakistan Match' - 2 New Result(s)
  • Swiggy Comes Up With Unique Discount Coupon After Indo-Pak Match; Internet Reacts
    Swiggy Comes Up With Unique Discount Coupon After Indo-Pak Match; Internet Reacts

    While rolling out coupons have always been a part of Swiggy's marketing strategy, but what fascinated us this time was the unique code on the coupon.

  • World Cup 2019: Head Straight To These Sports Bars in Delhi And Mumbai To Cheer The Men In Blue
    World Cup 2019: Head Straight To These Sports Bars in Delhi And Mumbai To Cheer The Men In Blue

    Lets bleed blue together this Sunday at the best sports bars in Delhi and Mumbai while gorging on some lip-smacking food

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