According to various health experts, what a man eats can have a massive effect on his sex life and making simple changes can spice it up.
According to a study, if you have a low sex drive, there is a chance you could be lacking in vitamin D and to get this back-up, you can include mushrooms, fortified breakfast cereal- porridge, ...
Diet For Sexual Health: We found about some common foods that can amp your sexual appetite, and since they are coming from an expert, they are worth a try.
Modern medicine be damned, locals in Peru and Bolivia believe a tall glass of freshly blended frogs is the answer to curing almost any ailment including stress, osteoporosis, low libido, asthma and bronchitis.
These crispy and bite-sized seeds of the pumpkin fruit are available year-round and packed with nutrients that can greatly benefit men's health! From prostate health to male fertility, to plant-based protein intake, pumkin seeds are ...