Food Awards

Mental skill

'Mental Skill' - 4 New Result(s)
  • Learning Horse Riding Could Boost Mental Skills in Kids
    Learning Horse Riding Could Boost Mental Skills in Kids

    According to a new study, horse riding may help improve mental skills in kids, such as enhanced learning, memory and problem-solving abilities, among others.

  • Moderate Drinking Can Lead to Brain Damage and Deteriorate Mental Skills : Study
    Moderate Drinking Can Lead to Brain Damage and Deteriorate Mental Skills : Study

    Even moderate drinking is linked to brain damage and a slight decline in mental skills, according to a latest study.

  • Vitamin E Deficiency May Affect Learning Skills in Babies, Load up on the Nutrient With these Foods
    Vitamin E Deficiency May Affect Learning Skills in Babies, Load up on the Nutrient With these Foods

    Pregnant women have to be extremely careful about the food they consume as it not only nourishes the mother but also the baby in the womb. Any deficiency can lead to health problems in the ...

  • Actively Involved Fathers in Parenting Can Help Boost Baby's Mental Skills
    Actively Involved Fathers in Parenting Can Help Boost Baby's Mental Skills

    New fathers please take note, the more time you spend playing or reading books with your baby at the age of three months, the more developed will be his or her cognitive skills.

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