The study was carried out on zebrafish because their neurological development is similar to that of a human, showed that vitamin E-deficient embryos of zebrafish had more deformities and greater incidence of death as well as an altered DNA methylation status through five days after fertilization- the time it takes for a fertilized egg to becoming a swimming zebrafish.
Although "they managed to get through the critical period to get the brain formed, they were stupid and didn't learn and didn't respond right", said Maret Traber, Professor at the Oregon State University (OSU) in the US. As a result of vitamin E deficiency, the brains of these embryos' continued to lack choline and glucose and simply did not develop correctly, Traber added.
The problem may be aggravated in women of child bearing age who avoid high-fat foods and may not have a diet rich in oils, nuts and seeds, which have the highest amounts of vitamin E, which is an antioxidant necessary for normal embryonic development.
All women should ensure a good intake of vitamin E rich foods. Here are some foods that have the highest levels of the nutrient.
1. Peanuts
Peanuts are a great source of antioxidants including vitamin E. Nutritionist Anshul Jaibharat says, "Peanut contains a certain antioxidant called resveratrol, which has been known to fight free radicals that can cause heart disease and cancer".
2. Almonds
When you need a quick dose of energy, almonds are the best. One cup of almonds can provide the necessary amount of vitamin E for the day.
3. Hazelnuts
An excellent source of vitamin E, hazelnuts consists of 21 percent of the daily recommended value of vitamin E per day. You can add them to your cookies, chocolates or even cakes and pies.
4. Broccoli
Broccoli is highly rich in vitamin E apart from being high on protein content and is known to be one of the best detox foods.
5. Sunflower Seeds
A handful of sunflower seeds are packed with essential nutrients including vitamin E and a whole lot of fiber. So don't forget to add this super seed in your daily diet.