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Mindful meditation

'Mindful Meditation' - 7 New Result(s)
  • The Many Health Benefits of Mindful Meditation
    The Many Health Benefits of Mindful Meditation

    Much of the health benefits associated with mindfulnes meditation training is due to the changes that this form of meditation causes in the brain, suggests new research.

  • Train Your Brain To Be Happy: 6 Surprising Health Benefits Of Meditation
    Train Your Brain To Be Happy: 6 Surprising Health Benefits Of Meditation

    Meditation has been identified as a practice that makes you stronger, better and more efficient at work

  • The Fidgety, Bored, Tired, Frustrated Person's Guide to Meditation
    The Fidgety, Bored, Tired, Frustrated Person's Guide to Meditation

    If you're not already into meditation, there's something slightly comical about trying to do it. You have to think about thinking. Or, stop thinking about thinking!

  • Did You Know that Mindful Meditation Can Help Lower Blood Pressure?
    Did You Know that Mindful Meditation Can Help Lower Blood Pressure?

    Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Technique (MBRS) can be incorporated in your daily lifestyle along with physical activity and weight management to reduce the effects of high blood pressure.

  • Mindfulness: An Effective Mental Health Treatment But Not a Panacea
    Mindfulness: An Effective Mental Health Treatment But Not a Panacea

    It's cheap with a wide range of health benefits - but there's a shortage of teachers and NHS provision is patch.

  • Mindfulness: Beware the Hype
    Mindfulness: Beware the Hype

    It's a useful tool, but an army of therapists and counsellors would be needed for mindfulness to have the reach and effectiveness of drug-based interventions. Don't throw away the antidepressants just yet.

  • What is Mindfulness Meditation?
    What is Mindfulness Meditation?

    The 'three-minute breathing space' exercise is a common introduction to the disciplineIntroductory courses will invite participants to sit comfortably on cushions or a chair, with an erect posture and eyes closed. A common exercise is ...

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