Food Awards

Multigrain atta

'Multigrain Atta' - 3 New Result(s)
  • A Roti That Aids Weight Loss: Make Multigrain Millet Roti Your Health Companion
    A Roti That Aids Weight Loss: Make Multigrain Millet Roti Your Health Companion

    Weight loss diet: Multigrain millet roti is a nutritional powerhouse that can be your delicious ally on the path to shedding those extra pounds.

  • 4 Types Of Flour You Can Add To Your Meal
    4 Types Of Flour You Can Add To Your Meal

    Planning to restock atta in your pantry? Give these options a look before buying.

  • Multi grain Flour (Multigrain Atta): Should You Make the Switch?
    Multi grain Flour (Multigrain Atta): Should You Make the Switch?

    First thing first, multi-grain flours can never actually harm the body unless you are allergic to any of the flours included in the mix.

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