Food Awards

Navratri 2020 special diet

'Navratri 2020 Special Diet' - 2 New Result(s)
  • Navratri 2020: 6 Sitaphal (Pumpkin) Recipes For All-Day Navratri Meal
    Navratri 2020: 6 Sitaphal (Pumpkin) Recipes For All-Day Navratri Meal

    Navratri 2020: Pumpkin (or sitaphal or kaddu) is one of the most commonly-included foods in Navratri festival special meal menu. Make these different dishes for your family.

  • Navratri 2020 Vrat Snack: Make Sago Kebab With The Goodness Of Coconut And Banana
    Navratri 2020 Vrat Snack: Make Sago Kebab With The Goodness Of Coconut And Banana

    Navratri 2020: The quirky sago kebab made with an impressive combination of sago, coconut and banana is anything but ordinary.

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