Food Awards

Nut allergy

'Nut Allergy' - 2 New Result(s)
  • The New Wisdom On Nut Allergies and Infants: Pediatricians Endorse Early Exposure
    The New Wisdom On Nut Allergies and Infants: Pediatricians Endorse Early Exposure

    For decades, new parents have been told to baby-proof their home for common allergens like peanuts and pet dander.

  • Study Claims That Children Who Are Allergic To Peanuts Can Go For Oral Immunotherapy
    Study Claims That Children Who Are Allergic To Peanuts Can Go For Oral Immunotherapy

    A study was recently conducted to ascertain if preschoolers who are allergic to peanuts could be given oral immunotherapy (OIT) to build their immunity.

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