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Obesity In Kids

Obesity In Kids - 7 News Result(s)
  • Walking, Cycling May Reduce The Risk Of Obesity In Kids: 3 Diet Tips To Manage Obesity
    Walking, Cycling May Reduce The Risk Of Obesity In Kids: 3 Diet Tips To Manage Obesity

    According to a recent study, published in the journal BMC Public Health, kids who engage in walking and/or cycling are less likely to be at risk of obesity than those who do not.

  • Is the Internet Putting Teenagers at the Risk of High Blood Pressure?
    Is the Internet Putting Teenagers at the Risk of High Blood Pressure?

    A new research has found that teenagers who spend hours on the internet may be at risk of gaining unhealthy weight and having high blood pressure.

  • Kids' Obesity Risk Starts Before School Age
    Kids' Obesity Risk Starts Before School Age

    A new study which was published in this week's New England Journal of Medicine and paid for by the U.S. government finds that much of a child's "weight fate" is set by age 5, and ...

  • Stress During Pregnancy May Cause Obesity in Kids
    Stress During Pregnancy May Cause Obesity in Kids

    We know that high levels of stress can cause emotional and mental damage but this latest study shows how stress in mothers can cause obesity in their unborn child.According to the research, taking stress during ...

  • Jamie Oliver calls for crackdown on junk food being sold near schools
    Jamie Oliver calls for crackdown on junk food being sold near schools

    Chef says outlets being allowed to sell fast food close to schools is in conflict with the investment in food educationCampaigning chef Jamie Oliver has demanded a crackdown on the "crazy" policy of fast food ...

  • Protein Snacks: The Smart Way to Keep a Check on Obesity in Kids
    Protein Snacks: The Smart Way to Keep a Check on Obesity in Kids

    High-protein afternoon snacks, particularly soy foods, reduce unhealthy evening snacking in teenagers.

  • Cola Consumption During Pregnancy May Up Risk of Obesity in Kids
    Cola Consumption During Pregnancy May Up Risk of Obesity in Kids

    Sugary drinks are laced with empty calories that have zero nutritive value, therefore not apt to be consumed during pregnancy.

Obesity In Kids - 1 Web Stories Result(s)
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    How Much Sugar Is Too Much For Growing Kids?
    Jun 13 2023
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