Food Awards

Polyunsaturated Fats

Polyunsaturated Fats - 8 News Result(s)
  • Egg Nutrition: All You Need To Know About Calories, Carbs, Protein And Fat In Egg
    Egg Nutrition: All You Need To Know About Calories, Carbs, Protein And Fat In Egg

    Fats in egg are all present in the yolk. Healthy monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats, including omega -3 fats are also a part of the fat profile. These are associated with positive health outcomes in ...

  • High time we bid farewell to trans fats!
    High time we bid farewell to trans fats!

    News has just come in that the FDA wants to eliminate trans fats from all foods, with the preliminary determination that they are no longer considered safe.  About time that they took this step, considering ...

  • It's Time to Get Over Our Fear of Dietary Fat
    It's Time to Get Over Our Fear of Dietary Fat

    Newer research suggests that certain types of fat are beneficial and necessary for health.

  • Unsaturated fats prevent gaining weight around the waist
    Unsaturated fats prevent gaining weight around the waist

    If you want to avoid having extra fat around your waist, eat salmon and walnuts, suggests a new research. The study conducted by Uppsala University reveals that people who eat a lot of polyunsaturated fat ...

  • Omega-6 Fats May Increase Diabetes Risk in Girls
    Omega-6 Fats May Increase Diabetes Risk in Girls

    According to a new study,published in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, high consumption of Omega-6 fats can inducesedentary behaviour in pre-teen girls an also increase their risk of developing diabetes.

  • Grapeseed Oil Benefits: Actually Healthy or a Big, Fat Lie?
    Grapeseed Oil Benefits: Actually Healthy or a Big, Fat Lie?

    Here are 5 grapeseed oil benefits based on the supposedly high amounts of nutrients, antioxidants and polyunsaturated fats on the grape seeds. We speak to experts and find out if it's actually healthy for you ...

  • Handful of Nuts Daily May Cut Risk of Heart Disease & Cancer
    Handful of Nuts Daily May Cut Risk of Heart Disease & Cancer

    Eating at least 20 gram of nuts every day may reduce the risk of a wide range of diseases including heart disease and cancer, a new research has found.

  • International Mens Day 2020: 6 Food and Diet Tips to Increase Sperm Count
    International Mens Day 2020: 6 Food and Diet Tips to Increase Sperm Count

    Diet plays a very important role in male fertility. Recent research has proven that healthy life style is effective in improving the chances for conception and can also help in increasing the sperm count.

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