Ten-year-old Saanvi M Prajit from Ernakulam, Kerala, has created a record high number of dishes in less than an hour.
The trend was first spotted on Twitter, as netizens reacted to the news that Parle-G has registered record high sales during lockdown.
Australian and Canadian farmers raised pulses area to cater to Indian demand.
Thiruvananthapuram has been termed as the country's breast cancer capital, with cases at a record high of 40 per lakh of population.
World Record: A Chennai girl has earned herself a place in the UNICO Book of World Records by making 46 dishes in 58 minutes.
The world's wheat and rice producers are headed for a record harvest this year, drastically reducing the global food bill as prices fall, the FAO said on Thursday.
McDonald's Corp shares hit an all-time high on Thursday after Chief Executive Steve Easterbrook said a rebound in quarterly restaurant sales showed that his turnaround plan is starting to work.
Chicken prices in India have soared to a record high after a heat wave killed more than 17 million birds in May.
From iconic fish-shaped pastries to snacks, the U.S., China, and Japan are leading the way in savoring the K-food wave.