Food Awards

Rice pancakes for breakfast

'Rice Pancakes For Breakfast' - 2 New Result(s)
  • Breakast Recipe: How To Make Chawal Ka Cheela (Or Rice Pancakes) For Breakfast
    Breakast Recipe: How To Make Chawal Ka Cheela (Or Rice Pancakes) For Breakfast

    Rice Pancakes: The best part about this dish is that you just need some soaked rice and vegetables to make these pancakes and cook yourself a delish breakfast.

  • Watch: This Gujarati-Style Rice Pancake Is Our Current Favourite Breakfast Recipe
    Watch: This Gujarati-Style Rice Pancake Is Our Current Favourite Breakfast Recipe

    A popular Gujarati snack, Panki can simply be described as rice pancake made in banana leaf. It is healthy, wholesome and can be prepared in just a few minutes.

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