Food Awards

School meals

'School Meals' - 5 New Result(s)
  • Nearly 2,000 People March To Advocate For Vegan Options In School Meals In Taipei
    Nearly 2,000 People March To Advocate For Vegan Options In School Meals In Taipei

    The marchers carried signs with slogans and donned animal-themed costumes, promoting respect for life and encouraging others to adopt a vegan lifestyle.

  • Kids Sarcastically Say
    Kids Sarcastically Say "Thanks" to First Lady on Twitter

    School kids are giving thanks to first lady Michelle Obama just in time for the holiday -- with a sarcastic Twitter hashtag about unappealing school lunches. Along with photos of unsavory-looking school meals, the hashtag #ThanksMichelleObama ...

  • The Lunchtime Revolution at a School for Children with Autism
    The Lunchtime Revolution at a School for Children with Autism

    School meals can be tricky. Now, thanks to a remarkable Brazilian chef, one west London school for children with autism has changed mealtimes for the better.

  • Sustainable Food Choices, Indian Gastronomic Tourism And More At Third Edition Of Tasting India Symposium
    Sustainable Food Choices, Indian Gastronomic Tourism And More At Third Edition Of Tasting India Symposium

    The symposium would conduct multiple seminars and workshops on issues like transparent labelling, safe and nutritious school meals, food innovations aimed at achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goal of 'zero hunger' by 2030

  • About 1000 People Fall Sick After Eating Kimchi In South Korea: Report
    About 1000 People Fall Sick After Eating Kimchi In South Korea: Report

    Kimchi recipe: According to authorities, the contaminated kimchi was distributed through school meals in the city

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