Food Awards

Sweet Dosa

Sweet Dosa - 2 News Result(s)
  • Dussehra 2021: Make Karnataka's Special Sweet Dosa To Mark The Festivities
    Dussehra 2021: Make Karnataka's Special Sweet Dosa To Mark The Festivities

    This year the Dusshera will be celebrated on 15th October. Make this delicious sweet dosa to share with your family and friends.

  • Vella Dosai: Give Your Regular Dosa A Sweet Spin With This Jaggery Dosa Recipe
    Vella Dosai: Give Your Regular Dosa A Sweet Spin With This Jaggery Dosa Recipe

    Vella Dosai Recipe: Ideal to pack in your kid's tiffin or to pair with your evening tea, this dosa is quick and easy to make and can be enjoyed even cold.

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