Food Awards


Tabacco - 3 News Result(s)
  • First Puff of Smoke: Age of Onset Falling
    First Puff of Smoke: Age of Onset Falling

    Vulnerable and curious youngsters make for a "soft target" for tobacco companies who glamourise their product, said experts as the age of onset of experiment with cigarettes or other form of tobacco worryingly fell to ...

  • Tobacco Epidemic: 2500 Die in India Daily
    Tobacco Epidemic: 2500 Die in India Daily

    The tobacco epidemic is one of the biggest public health threats the world has ever faced. Mass media campaigns, graphic warnings and alternative crop options for tobacco growers can help stop or reduce the estimated ...

  • Smoking cessation products pose no serious heart risks
    Smoking cessation products pose no serious heart risks

    Nicotine replacement gums or popular drugs prescribed to help people quit smoking may not pose serious heart risks in users, according to a study.In recent years, there have been concerns that some smoking cessation products ...

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