Food Awards

The merchant s tavern

'The Merchant S Tavern' - 2 New Result(s)
  • Recipes From the Merchant's Tavern
    Recipes From the Merchant's Tavern

    Deep-fried baby artichokes, cod fillet with peppers, courgettes and aubergine, and honey tart with roast apricots... Angela Hartnett and Neil Borthwick's recipes from their new restaurant the Merchant's Tavern, which opens 1 October.Deep-fried baby artichokesServes...

  • Angela Hartnett: 'The First Feeling I had was Shock'
    Angela Hartnett: 'The First Feeling I had was Shock'

    Opening a restaurant is hard enough without complications. But when you are in a couple, and one of you nearly dies ... Angela Hartnett and Neil Borthwick talk about love, life, good food and broken ...

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