Food Awards

Tooth sensitivity

'Tooth Sensitivity' - 3 New Result(s)
  • Sensitive Teeth? 5 Natural Ways For Relief From Tooth Sensitivity
    Sensitive Teeth? 5 Natural Ways For Relief From Tooth Sensitivity

    Worn out teeth enamel or tooth erosion can lead to exposing your dentin, which is what the inside of your teeth is made up of. So any hot, cold or sour food intake can lead ...

  • How Cold And Hot Beverages Lead To Tooth Sensitivity - Expert Explains
    How Cold And Hot Beverages Lead To Tooth Sensitivity - Expert Explains

    Experts suggest that tooth sensitivity should not be ignored, as it could lead to long-term tooth damage If left unchecked.

  • Dental Health: 5 Reasons Why Your Teeth Are More Sensitive During Winter - Expert Shares
    Dental Health: 5 Reasons Why Your Teeth Are More Sensitive During Winter - Expert Shares

    Here are some causes that can also increase the chances of experiencing tooth sensitivity during winters.

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