
Trends 2014

Trends 2014 - 5 News Result(s)
  • Food trends in 2014: from digital dining to healthy junk food
    Food trends in 2014: from digital dining to healthy junk food

    The future of food includes holographic chefs, smart knives and egg-white crisps, according to trend analysts. But will kale ice lollies and edible soil ever catch on?It is a blustery winter morning in Mayfair, London, ...

  • The great goat's cheese shortage of 2014
    The great goat's cheese shortage of 2014

    Why are supplies of chèvre running so low, and whatever will vegetarians eat until the situation is resolved?Stockpile the chèvre and bulk-buy the rosary ash: there's a goat's cheese shortage. Warnings have been circulating for ...

  • The changing taste of food and drink traditions
    The changing taste of food and drink traditions

    Just because a dish is traditional doesn't mean that it can't change. In an extract from his new book The Virtues of the Table, Julian Baggini writes that traditions are safest in the hands of ...

  • The posh toast that costs 2.50 a slice
    The posh toast that costs 2.50 a slice

    We've had fancy burgers - now brace yourself for artisanal toast. How much are you prepared to pay for a piece?Toast is trendy. Yes, you read that right: toast. Obviously we're not talking marge on ...

  • Break out the Breville: it's time for a toastie
    Break out the Breville: it's time for a toastie

    From Michelin-starred chefs to street-food stalls, everyone is making toasted sandwiches. Is it a flash in the pan or the welcome return of a true cheesy treat?No food ever truly disappears. Foods are mistreated and ...

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