Food Awards

Yogurt Drink

Yogurt Drink - 1 Recipes Result(s)
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    • 05 mins
Yogurt Drink - 3 News Result(s)
  • Yogurt Drinks, Not Too Smooth
    Yogurt Drinks, Not Too Smooth

    When it comes to yogurt drinks, we've gotten ourselves into a smoothie rut. Smoothies are everywhere, at every juice bar, street cart and deli, and premixed in bottles lining supermarket shelves.Not that there's anything wrong ...

  • Ditch the Yogurt Spoon, and Drink
    Ditch the Yogurt Spoon, and Drink

    I still remember my first sip of ayran, the salty yogurt drink popular throughout Turkey. It was a beautiful spring day in 2007, and a friend and I were having lunch on the patio of ...

  • Revealing Our New Favourite Lassi - Banana Walnut Lassi Recipe. Try It Today!
    Revealing Our New Favourite Lassi - Banana Walnut Lassi Recipe. Try It Today!

    Banana walnut lassi is a combination of sweet, tangy and nutty flavours with a desirable crunch - all of which makes this drink wholesome and satisfying.

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