5 Reasons Why Tamarind Water Should Be Your Go-To Drink For Weight Loss


Tamarind water weight loss: In this article, we'll be sharing five reasons why tamarind water can be an effective ally to help you achieve your weight loss goals.

5 Reasons Why Tamarind Water Should Be Your Go-To Drink For Weight Loss
This wonder elixir has several health benefits to offer.


  • Tamarind has been a beloved favourite of many people.
  • Did you know its water can aid in achieving your weight loss goals?
  • Discover the benefits of tamarind water and how to make it at home.

Have you been trying to shed those extra kilos lately? Are you on the lookout for recipes that can help you achieve your weight loss goals? Well, then tamarind water is what you need to try. Tamarind, also known as imli, has been a beloved favourite of many people since childhood. Loved for its tangy flavour, it's a common ingredient in several recipes and is also enjoyed in the form of candies. However, have you ever thought about having its water? This wonder elixir has several health benefits to offer and can also aid in weight loss. In this article, we'll be sharing five reasons why tamarind water can be an effective ally to help you achieve your weight loss goals.
Also Read: Out Of Tamarind Paste? No Worries! Say Hello To These 5 Perfect Substitutes

Tamarind water benefits: There are several health benefits of Tamarind water.
Photo Credit: iStock

Benefits Of Tamarind Water For Weight Loss | How Does Tamarind Water Help Lose Weight?

1. Low In Calories

Tamarind water is low in calories. As per the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), a single tamarind has just about five to six calories. However, if you wish to add a sweetener or any spices to the water, this calorie count may vary.

2. Good For Digestion

Digestive health is of paramount importance for weight loss. Studies suggest that the ingredients in tamarind have laxative properties, which can help keep your digestive system healthy. Smooth digestion ensures that stomach-related issues stay at bay, contributing to long-term weight loss goals.

3. Boosts Metabolism

Tamarind water is also great for boosting your metabolism. When we have a good metabolism, we burn calories faster, aiding in weight loss. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the presence of flavonoids and polyphenols in tamarind helps achieve this.


4. Rich In Fibre

High-fibre foods are a must-have in a weight-loss diet. Tamarind is an excellent source of fibre and will help promote a feeling of fullness. Incorporating this water into your everyday diet may help control your appetite and aid in weight loss.

5. Rich In Antioxidants

Another reason why you should drink tamarind water is because it is rich in antioxidants. According to Delhi-based nutritionist Lokendra Tomar, "Tamarind is packed with tartaric acid, which is a powerful antioxidant that inhibits the growth of free radicals in the body." A diet rich in antioxidants ensures your metabolic rate remains healthy, thus promoting weight loss.
Also Read: Making Imli Chutney At Home Just Got Easier! 5 Tips To Make It Perfectly


Tamarind water benefits: Learn how to make Tamarind water.
Photo Credit: iStock

How To Make Tamarind Water For Weight Loss:

  • Making tamarind water at home is a very easy process. Start by soaking tamarind in hot water for about 15 to 20 minutes. 
  • Once it softens, gently mash it using your hands to extract the juice from its pulp. Now, strain this juice into another bowl to remove any leftover pulp. 
  • At this stage, you may add some more water if you wish to. Since tamarind water is tangy, you can balance out the flavour by adding any sweetener of your choice.
  • Opt for honey or jaggery powder instead of regular sugar to keep it healthy. You may even add a pinch of black salt or cumin (jeera) for extra flavour. 
  • Enjoy it chilled or at room temperature, depending on your personal preference.
  • Drink it first thing in the morning or before meals to reap its benefits.

Tamarind has some amazing benefits to offer for our health. Include tamarind water in your weight-loss diet to better manage it. Stay fit and healthy!

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