Cardio can help in burning that unwanted body fat which leads to obesity. So get started with cardio exercises.
Cardio and weight training, both work in tandem to drop kilos and get toned.
Start by a 10 minute brisk walk, follow it religiously for a week, keep adding on to it every week.
According to a group of researchers from Mayo Clinic in the United States, high-intensity aerobic exercise may also help reverse the ageing processes in adults.
A carefully planned weight training program, which advances in intensity with time, will not only make you feel comfortable but will also help you tone up.
With a healthy lifestyle, balanced diet and a dynamic fitness routine, fighting plateaus gets easier. Ensure bracing up against slip-ups and be consistent.
According to a study, just 30 minutes of running on a treadmill can reshape your damaged heart tissue.
Kettlebell workout has been around since 1700s. In modern gyms today, it is used as a tool or an equipment to build flexibility, cardio and strength.
Scientifically speaking, asthma has no cure. Although, health experts from all over the world have said that attempts are being made to improve cardiac fitness by working on both lungs and the heart to stabilize ...
Cardio training is often the popular choice, which includes running, cycling, biking or resorting to the cross-trainer.