
Maura Judkis


Content by Maura Judkis

    • If You Don't Eat Honey Because You Are A Vegan, Avocados Might Be Off-Limits, Too

      One thing that most sensible people can agree on - whether they're vegan, meat-eaters, paleo, keto or whatever food tribe they happen to belong to - is that avocados are delicious

    • Loud Music At Restaurants Could Be Leading You To Order Burgers Over Salads, Study Says

      Noisy restaurants are a source of perennial complaints, but it's not just diners' ears that are affected - it's their waistlines, too

    • The Dilemma of Every Cool Dude Chef: Beards Are in, Beard Nets Aren't.

      Hair restraints are required by the D.C. Department of Health, but they don't have to be a hairnet, specifically.

    • Food Tripping: Why Edible Rainbows Have Taken Over the Internet

      Edible rainbows have taken over the internet. Tie-dyed waffles, psychedelic s'mores, orange peels filled with every color of Jell-O, multicolored cookie parfait - you name it!

    • Why Restaurants are Moving Toward Payment Upfront

      "Do you have a reservation?" used to be the standard brush-off line at a busy restaurant's host stand. Now, in a growing number of places, it's "Do you have a ticket?"

    • A Cure that Ails You? Bacon Fans Don't Mind

      Do you eat bacon? Oh. You might want to sit down for this.

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