
Junk Food

Junk Food - 1 Video Result(s)
  • After Bihar's Tax On Samosas, Kerala's 'Fat Tax' On Burgers, Pizzas
    • 1:48
Junk Food - 219 News Result(s)
  • What Is Junk Food? Why Is It Bad For You?
    What Is Junk Food? Why Is It Bad For You?

    Ideally, junk foods are defined as processed foods with negligible nutrient value and are often high in salt, sugar and fat. But we often confuse fast foods with junk foods. How are they different? Or ...

  • Fast Food Vs. Junk Food: What's The Difference? Which Is Worse For Health?
    Fast Food Vs. Junk Food: What's The Difference? Which Is Worse For Health?

    Did you know junk food and fast food are not the same? We bring you some basic differences between the two.

  • Ban Junk Food on Campuses: UGC Tells Colleges
    Ban Junk Food on Campuses: UGC Tells Colleges

    Despite limited empirical evidence, there is growing concern that junk food availability in schools and colleges has contributed to this childhood obesity epidemic.

  • Junk Food Banned In-And-Around Schools - Relief For Parents Worrying About Kids' Health
    Junk Food Banned In-And-Around Schools - Relief For Parents Worrying About Kids' Health

    Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has taken the bold step of banning sale of junk foods to students. All foods that are high in saturated fats or trans-fats or with added sugar ...

  • What Happens To Your Body When You Stop Eating Junk Food?
    What Happens To Your Body When You Stop Eating Junk Food?

    Most people are aware of this and are taking baby steps towards staying away from junk for good. If you are looking to lose weight, you will have to limit or stop binging on junk ...

  • Junk Food Banned From Schools in Punjab
    Junk Food Banned From Schools in Punjab

    The Punjab Child Rights Commission has ordered a complete ban on serving junk food in schools in the state, its chief said here on Thursday.

  • UK Bans Online Ads for Junk Food Targeting Children
    UK Bans Online Ads for Junk Food Targeting Children

    Britain will ban junk food ads aimed at children from both print and social media from next year, the advertising rules watchdog said Thursday, a move welcomed by campaigners against child obesity.

  • 5 Harmful Effects of Junk Food
    5 Harmful Effects of Junk Food

    You know that junk food can hurt your health, but you may have not known about the effects of junk food on how your brain functions.

  • Maharashtra Bans Junk Food in School Canteens to Curb Obesity
    Maharashtra Bans Junk Food in School Canteens to Curb Obesity

    The Maharashtra state government has imposed a ban on the sale of 'High in Fat, Salt and Sugar' (HFSS) food at school canteens across the state.

  • Ban Fast Food Advertisements and Hike Taxes on Them: FSSAI
    Ban Fast Food Advertisements and Hike Taxes on Them: FSSAI

    FSSAI has recommended additional tax on processed food and sugar-sweetened beverages, and also called for a blanket ban on advertising of junk foods

Junk Food - 3 Web Stories Result(s)
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    7 Cheat Meals That Can Be Made Healthier
    Aug 23 2024
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    6 Tips To Swerve Those Late-Night Cravings
    Jul 15 2024
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    6 Tips To Stop Eating Junk Food
    Jun 28 2024
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