Food Awards

Elizabeth Day


Content by Elizabeth Day

    • Nigella Lawson: 'I'm Not a Chef - I'm Not Even Trained'

      One of the 10 nominees for the OFM's chef of the decade, Nigella Lawson discussses food, feminism and TwitterIs it true you were inspired to write your first book after seeing a dinner party host in tears because of an unset creme caramel?It is true...

    • The SweeTango is the Next Big Thing in Apples. And I Want it all to Myself

      Discovering something before everyone else is always a thrill... whether it's a band, restaurant, or even just a new type of apple.J Alfred Prufrock famously measured out his life in coffee spoons. I've often thought about that line of TS Eliot's poetry....

    • Angela Hartnett: 'The First Feeling I had was Shock'

      Opening a restaurant is hard enough without complications. But when you are in a couple, and one of you nearly dies ... Angela Hartnett and Neil Borthwick talk about love, life, good food and broken bones.Angela Hartnett and Neil Borthwick first met in...

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