Food Awards

Max Veenhuyzen


Content by Max Veenhuyzen

    • Meat pie: a great Australian dish

      Taste a meat pie and you taste Australia - and debate still rages over whether the tomato sauce should be chilledWhat do you call a seven-course meal in Australia? A pie and a six-pack. Or so the old joke goes. While the nation's standing in ...

    • Bush food: finger limes

      The pulp from this distinctly ocker fruit explodes in the mouth and sets it apart from the rest of the fruits in the greengrocerSlender, gnarly and filled with tiny, tangy jewels that burst in the mouth, finger limes are as intriguing as they are delicious.Of...

    • Great Australian dishes: fish and chips

      Filling, nostalgic and utterly satisfying, fish and chips makes a fine meal any time of year, not just on Good FridayHappiness is, with apologies to Pharrell, a fish and chip shop.The smell of delicious things frying in hot oil. The implied nautical...

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