Food Awards

Polka Cafe


Content by Polka Cafe

    • Snacks, Sides Or Main Course: Lady Finger To The Rescue!

      Lady finger may be rich in fibre and vitamin C, but still seems like a boring vegetable, doesn't it? Bhindi, as it's known in Hindi, when used with the right ingredients, is anything but boring.Let's take a look at 4 preparations that will bring bhindi...

    • 8 Herb-Based Cocktail Recipes

      If you have a fragrant summer bounty of herbs from your kitchen garden or are just driven to try devilishly delicious recipes with secret ingredients to keep your guests guessing, then 'its past time to buff your manicured nails and try these one-of-a-kind...

    • Quick and Hassle-Free 3 Ingredient Recipes

      Long day at work, unexpected guests or midnight snack cravings? We have exactly what you need!Time is of the essence and you want to be able to whip up something instantly. Put away that packet of maggi, we've got a list of recipes that need ...

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